Saturday, July 16, 2011

T - 1 month and counting...

Hello Interwebs!

This is my first attempt at keeping a running blog of whatever happens to me in Japan.

So I will be saying farewell to my home city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on August 15, 2011 and will be landing in my new home, Tokyo, Japan on August 21. (with a few days in between, which I'll be spending in Vancouver, BC)

Anxiety has not hit yet, as I'm still on summer vacation mode, and enjoying the kind of Winnipeg weather that makes clothes stick to skin. Apparently it will "feel like" 45 Celsius on Sunday...and I thought I left those temperatures after I finished up teaching in Cairo, Egypt...

I've made my first list entitled: "First list of things I need to get done..."
  • get Japanese working visa
  • get rid of apartment items
  • buy luggage
  • learn Japanese

Regarding the first item, I'm finding myself to be headed to Calgary sometime next week to finalize my working visa at the Japanese Consulate of Canada. Apparently mailing documents just won't do and my in-person presence is the only way to satisfy the visa gods.

In Japanese news: I read there was another earthquake (5.5 magnitude) in and around Tokyo yesterday.

Anxiety: 2 out of 10
Excitedness: 2 out of 10

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